How to Deep Clean Your Tile and Grout: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Cleaning tile floors and grout lines can be a challenging task, particularly when dirt and grime build up over time. This guide will provide you with a step-by-step process to deep clean your tile and grout, leaving them looking like new.

Step 1: Gather Your Cleaning Supplies

Before you begin cleaning your tile and grout, gather all necessary supplies to ensure effective and efficient cleaning. The following items will be needed:

  • Broom or Vacuum: To sweep or suck up loose dirt, dust, or debris on the surface before cleaning.
  • Mop or Sponge: To apply the cleaning solution to the tile and grout.
  • Grout Cleaner: To clean the grout lines effectively. Choose a grout cleaner that is suitable for your tile and grout type.
  • Grout Cleaning Brush or Old Toothbrush: To scrub the grout lines and remove any dirt or stains.
  • Clean Bucket of Water: To rinse the tile and grout after cleaning.
  • Towel or Mop for Drying: To dry the tile and grout after cleaning.

By gathering these supplies before cleaning, you can complete the task without having to stop and search for additional supplies.

Step 2: Sweep or Vacuum the Floor

Start by sweeping or vacuuming the tile floor to remove any loose dirt, dust, or debris, preventing it from getting into the grout lines and making them harder to clean later on. If the floor is particularly dirty, use a dust mop or microfiber mop instead of a broom or vacuum.

If you’re using a broom, make sure it has soft bristles to prevent scratching the tile. If you’re using a vacuum, use the hard floor setting to avoid damaging the tiles. Empty the dustbin or change the bag if it becomes full.

Begin at one end of the room and work your way towards the other end, getting into the corners and along the edges of the room where dirt tends to accumulate.

Step 3: Wash the Floor

Washing the floor is an essential step in deep cleaning your tile and grout, as it helps to loosen the dirt and grime on the surface of the tiles and in the grout lines. Here’s how to do it:

  • Fill a bucket with warm water. The water should be warm enough to help break down the dirt and grime, but not so hot that it damages the tiles.
  • Dip your mop or sponge into the bucket of water and wring out any excess water. You don’t want the floor to be soaking wet, just damp.
  • Begin mopping the floor in small sections, starting from the farthest corner of the room and working your way towards the door. Overlap your strokes to avoid missing any areas.
  • Rinse your mop or sponge frequently in the bucket of water to avoid spreading dirt and grime around.
  • If your floor is particularly dirty, consider using a cleaning solution at this stage. Commercial tile and grout cleaners are available, or you can make your own cleaning solution using ingredients such as baking soda, vinegar, and hydrogen peroxide. However, be cautious when using DIY cleaning solutions, as they can be abrasive and may damage certain types of tiles.

Step 4: Apply the Grout Cleaner

After mopping the entire floor, allow it to sit for a few minutes to let the water soak into the grout lines and loosen any dirt or grime. Next, apply the grout cleaner onto the grout lines using a grout cleaning brush or an old toothbrush. If using a heavy-duty grout cleaner, allow it to sit for 10 to 15 minutes before scrubbing to allow it to penetrate the grout and break down any buildup or stains.

Read the label of your chosen grout cleaner carefully to ensure that you follow any specific instructions or safety precautions. Some grout cleaners may require dilution, while others may need to be applied directly to the grout lines. Make sure to wear gloves and protective eyewear, and ensure adequate ventilation in the room.

Using your chosen tool, scrub the grout lines thoroughly, applying extra pressure to any heavily stained areas. Work in small sections at a time to ensure that you cover the entire floor.

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Step 5: Rinse the Floor

Once you’ve finished scrubbing the grout lines, rinse the entire floor thoroughly with clean water. You can use a mop or a bucket of water to do this, making sure to change the water frequently to ensure that you’re not just spreading dirty water around.

After rinsing, inspect the grout lines to ensure that all of the cleansers has been removed. Any remaining residue can cause the grout to become discolored over time.

Step 6: Allow the Floor to Dry

Once you’ve finished rinsing, use a clean mop or towels to remove any excess water from the floor. Then, allow the floor to air-dry completely before walking on it or replacing furniture. This may take several hours, depending on the humidity and temperature in the room.

In conclusion, Cleaning grout can be a challenging task, and it requires effort, patience, and attention to detail. But it’s a necessary task to maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of your tiled floors, especially in areas like bathrooms and kitchens where dirt, grime, and mold can quickly accumulate.

By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure that your grout is thoroughly cleaned, and your tiles look as good as new. However, it’s important to note that some stains or buildup may require professional cleaning services.

A professional cleaning service like Spekless Cleaning can help you with all your grout cleaning needs. Our trained professionals use specialized equipment and cleaning solutions to remove tough stains, mold, and buildup, leaving your floors looking clean and refreshed. With our services, you can save time and effort and enjoy the benefits of a professionally cleaned floor.

Whether you choose to clean your grout yourself or opt for professional cleaning services, keeping your grout clean is essential for maintaining the appearance and hygiene of your tiled floors. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Spekless Cleaning for a professional and hassle-free grout cleaning experience.

Expert Guide for Revitalizing and Protecting Vinyl Floors

Since vinyl floors are economical, dependable, and simple to maintain, they are a common choice for many homes. However, vinyl floors can develop wear and tear with time, just like any other type of flooring. The best way to maintain the appearance of your vinyl floors is to carefully clean and protect them. You may extend the lifespan of your vinyl floors by revitalizing and protecting them using the advice in this professional guide.

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Step 1: Cleaning Your Vinyl Floors

Cleaning thoroughly is the first step in rejuvenating your vinyl floors. What you need to know is as follows:

  • Use the proper cleaner: It’s crucial to use the correct kind of cleaner while cleaning vinyl floors. Avoid using abrasive cleansers or harsh chemicals on your flooring since they might scratch the surface. Choose a cleaner that is made especially for vinyl flooring instead. These cleansers are gentle enough to get rid of filth and grime without harming your floors’ finish.
  • Vacuum or sweep frequently: Keeping your vinyl floors clean requires frequent sweeping or vacuuming. If left uncontrolled, dirt, dust, and debris can scratch the surface of your flooring. This will assist in removing them.
  • Regular mopping is recommended in addition to cleaning or vacuuming vinyl floors. To get rid of any filth or grime that might have escaped regular sweeping or vacuuming, use a damp mop and a mild cleanser.

Step 2: Removing Stains

No matter how well you clean your vinyl floors, they may still develop stains. Here’s what you need to know to remove stains from your vinyl floors:

  • Identify the type of stain: Before you start cleaning a stain, it’s important to identify what type of stain it is. Different types of stains require different cleaning methods, so it’s important to know what you’re dealing with.
  • Use a light cleaning: Most stains can be removed with a mild cleanser. Apply the cleanser directly to the stain, let it stay for a short while, and then wipe it away with a damp cloth.
  • Use a specialized cleaner: You may need to use a professional cleaner for persistent stains. Use a cleaner made especially for cleaning grease or oil stains as an illustration. To get the stain out, just adhere to the cleaner’s label’s directions.
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Step 3: Protecting Your Vinyl Floors

It’s time to safeguard your vinyl floors once they’ve been thoroughly cleaned and stain-free. What you must do is as follows:

  • One of the greatest ways to protect your vinyl floors is to place mats at the entrances. This will assist in catching dust and other particles before they damage the finish of your floors.
  • Use felt pads under furniture: Placing felt pads beneath your furniture is another excellent technique to safeguard your vinyl flooring. When you move the furniture, this will stop it from damaging the floor’s surface.
  • Avoid wearing high heels: High heels can cause deep scratches in your vinyl floors, so it’s best to avoid wearing them. If you must wear high heels, try to use a rug or mat to protect the surface of your floors.
  • Avoid dragging heavy objects: Dragging heavy objects across your vinyl floors can also cause scratches and damage. Always lift heavy objects when you need to move them, rather than dragging them across the surface of your floors.


Vinyl floors are a popular and affordable choice for many households. With proper care and maintenance, your vinyl floors can last for many years. By following the steps outlined in this expert guide, you can revitalize and protect your vinyl floors, keeping them looking their best for years to come. Remember to clean your floors regularly, remove any stains promptly, and protect your floors from scratches and damage. With these tips, you can enjoy beautiful, long-lasting vinyl floors in your home.

Complete Guide for Cleaning and Restoring Oak Kitchen Cabinets

Your kitchen cabinets are a focal point of your kitchen and can make or break the look of the entire room. Unfortunately, over time, grease, grime, and food particles can build up on your cabinets, making them look dull and dirty. Oak cabinets, in particular, require special care as they can easily become damaged by harsh chemicals. Instead of hiring a professional cleaner or replacing your cabinets, you can give them a deep clean yourself using a combination of natural, eco-friendly and chemical-based products.

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Step 1: Remove all items from your cabinets

Before you start cleaning, remove all items from your cabinets, including dishes, cookware, and small appliances. This will make it easier to access all the surfaces and corners of your cabinets.

Step 2: Clean the exterior

Mix a solution of 1 part white vinegar to 1 part water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto the exterior of your cabinets and wipe them down with a clean, damp cloth. Be sure to pay special attention to any areas with built-up grime or grease. For tough stains, you can use a small amount of mild detergent or wood cleaner specifically designed for oak cabinets. Always test the cleaner in a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure that it doesn’t cause any damage.

Step 3: Interior cleaning

Cabinet drawers and doors should be taken out and laid level on a clean surface. Scrub away any filth or grime using a toothbrush or a soft-bristled brush. The internal surfaces can be cleaned with a mild detergent or the same mixture of white vinegar and water. Make sure to completely rinse with clean water before wiping down with a fresh cloth.

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Step 4: Re-oil or re-stain the cabinets

After cleaning, you may notice that your oak cabinets have lost some of their original color or finish. To restore the natural beauty of your oak cabinets, you can re-oil or re-stain them. If you choose to re-oil, use a natural oil such as tung oil or linseed oil. Apply the oil to a clean, dry cloth and rub it into the wood, following the grain. Be sure to wipe off any excess oil and let it dry overnight before applying a second coat. If you choose to re-stain, use a stain that is specifically designed for oak wood and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Be sure to test the stain on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure that you are happy with the color.

Step 5: Maintain your cabinets

Regular maintenance is necessary to keep your oak cabinets looking their best. Every week, wipe out the inside and outside of your cabinets with a gentle, moist cloth. Use coasters or placemats to shield the wood from liquids and stay away from abrasive or harsh chemicals. Every six months, you might want to give the wood a coat of natural oil or wax to help protect it and keep it looking its best.

Did You Know?

  • Oak wood contains natural tannins that help protect it from pests and decay.
    • Cleaning Tip: These tannins can sometimes react with certain cleaners, so it’s best to stick to mild, wood-safe cleaning solutions to preserve the wood’s natural defenses.
  • Oak is one of the most durable hardwoods, known for its strength and resilience.
    • Cleaning Tip: Despite its durability, oak can still be susceptible to scratches and dents. Use a soft cloth and avoid abrasive sponges when cleaning to keep the surface smooth and unblemished.
  • Each piece of oak has a unique grain pattern, making every cabinet one-of-a-kind.
    • Cleaning Tip: Follow the grain when wiping down your cabinets to ensure thorough cleaning and to enhance the natural beauty of the wood.
  • Discoloration or fading on oak cabinets doesn’t mean the wood is irreparably damaged.
    • Cleaning Tip: Often, discoloration can be addressed by re-staining or re-oiling the wood. Identifying the cause, such as sunlight exposure, is crucial to prevent future issues.

BONUS CLEANING TIPS – How to Remove Common Stains on Oak Kitchen Cabinets:

Ink Marks:

Create a cleaning solution by mixing warm water with a soap made from non-synthetic, plant-based ingredients. Soak a cloth in the mixture and gently dab the stained area. Be cautious not to rub vigorously to prevent the ink from smearing. Rinse the spot thoroughly and use a dry cloth to pat it dry, repeating the process as required.

Another option is to apply rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball and carefully blot the ink stain. However, keep in mind that alcohol may interact with wood & wood finishes so take care not to exert too much pressure while cleaning.


Watermarks can leave unsightly spots on oak cabinets. To remove them, mix white vinegar and olive oil in equal proportions. Dampen a soft cloth with the solution and gently rub the watermark in a circular motion until it fades away. Follow up with a dry cloth to buff the area and restore your cabinet’s luster.

Wine or Juice Stains:
Combine equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water. Use a cloth soaked in the solution to gently dab the stain. Let it sit for a minute or two before wiping the area with a damp cloth to effectively remove the stain.

By following these steps, you will be able to give your oak kitchen cabinets a deep clean and restore their natural beauty. Remember to use a combination of natural, eco-friendly and chemical-based products, and always test them in a small area first. Regular maintenance will also help keep your cabinets looking their best for years to come.

Pet-Friendly Professional Cleaning Services: Maintaining a Clean Home with Furry Friends

Hey pet owners, we know that our furry friends bring so much love and joy to our homes, but let’s be real, keeping a clean and safe home for both us and our pets can be a bit of a challenge. But don’t worry, with a little bit of effort and the right approach, it’s totally doable!

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To help you out, here are some tips and tricks to keep your house tidy and comfortable for both you and your pets:

Regular grooming decreases the quantity of pet hair and dander in your home while also keeping your pets clean and healthy. Less shedding, fewer allergies, and a milder odor result from this.

Use doormats: Placing doormats at all the entrances to your home can help to reduce the amount of dirt and debris that gets tracked in by your pets. This simple step can help to keep your home cleaner and save you time on cleaning.

Vacuum and mop regularly: Regularly vacuuming and mopping can help to remove pet hair, dander, and any dirt or debris that your pets may bring in from outside. This helps to keep your floors looking and smelling fresh, and is especially important if you have carpets or rugs in your home.

Clean pet beds and toys regularly: Pet beds and toys can become breeding grounds for bacteria and odors if not cleaned regularly. Clean them frequently to ensure that your pets are sleeping in a clean and healthy environment.

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Use cleaning supplies that are safe for animals: Regular cleaning supplies can be detrimental to your pets. In order to protect your furry pals, make sure you only use pet-safe cleaning supplies when cleaning your home.

Designate spaces for your pets: Designating areas for your pets, such as a certain room or corner of a room, can assist to keep the rest of your house cleaner. This makes it simple for you to keep an eye on your pets and limit the quantity of hair and dander they introduce into the rest of the house.

Potty train your pets: Potty training your pets can help reduce accidents and messes in the house. Teaching them where to go to the bathroom and having a consistent potty schedule can help them understand where they should go when they need to relieve themselves.

Invest in pet-proof furniture. Having high-quality pet-resistant furniture, such as pet-resistant sofas and chairs, as well as pet-resistant bedding and linens, will help your home stay cleaner and more hygienic while reducing wear and strain on your furniture.

By following these tips, you can keep your home clean and pet-friendly. But, let’s face it, life can be hectic and finding the time to clean can be a challenge. That’s where professional cleaning services come in. Our expert cleaners understand the unique challenges that come with pet ownership and have the knowledge and tools to effectively clean and sanitize your home while also taking into consideration the needs of your pets. Whether you need a one-time deep clean or regular cleaning services, we are here to help.

Don’t let pet ownership take over your life, let us help you keep your home clean and pet-friendly. Contact us today to schedule your professional cleaning services and enjoy more time with your fur-pals.

Cleaning Cultured Marble Countertops

Few countertop materials boast the classic beauty of cultured marble. However, many homeowners find themselves stumped when it comes to cleaning the material. While cultured marble is durable and resistant to chips, cracks and stains, proper maintenance is key in keeping your surfaces looking pristine.

1. Use Mild Soaps & Cleaners
Cultured marble is a sensitive material and should never be exposed to harsh or overly abrasive cleaners. Instead, use gentle soaps or specifically formulated cleaners when washing your countertops. Avoid any product that contains ammonia as this can dull the shine and cause discoloration over time.

2. Rinse Well After Cleaning

Although a mild soap is recommended for daily cleanings, you may be tempted to simply wipe away any dirt and debris instead of going through the hassle of rinsing off your soap residue completely with clean water. But if you want to maintain a lasting shine on your countertop surface, take the extra step of thoroughly rinsing off all soapy residue after washing since leftover soap can contain chemicals that damage cultured marble surfaces over time.

3. Wipe Up Spills Immediately

Cultured marble is highly resistant to staining but not immune to it; leaving spills on the countertop too long could result in nasty marks that are difficult or impossible to remove without using strong cleaners and scrubbing pads that can scratch the surface of your countertop over time. Whenever possible, try to immediately wipe up any spills with a soft cloth dampened in warm water before they have a chance to set into the stone’s pores and cause staining or discoloration problems in the future.

4. Use Coasters & Toothbrushes for Tough Stains

For tougher stains such as food remnants like tomato sauce, mustard, or cooking grease, use a soft-bristled toothbrush along with some mild dish soap diluted with warm water directly onto the stain surface itself rather than using an all-purpose cleaning spray designed for other surfaces like tile grout which could damage cultured marble countertops over time due to its chemical content. Afterwards, rinse off using plenty of fresh water before drying with a soft cloth; ensure no traces of cleaner remain on the marbled surface which could potentially harm its original look over time.

5. Blend Away Etch Marks

Although harder than most natural stones used for countertops today like granite or travertine, cultured marbled easily etches from acids such as lemon juice , vinegar and even simple household items such as coconut oil which has recently become popular for beauty DIYs online today. To fix light etching on surfaces including steel sinks, simply blend surrounding area with paste wax pre-designed specifically for cultured marble then buff out edges until mark becomes invisible. For deep etching, avoid store-bought finishing products altogether. Place a small amount of rubbing compound, then buff till mark disappears.

5 Tips for a Thorough Post-Holiday Home Cleaning: Get Your Space Feeling Fresh and Organized Again

After the holidays, it’s common for homes to feel cluttered and in need of a deep clean. Whether you hosted holiday gatherings or simply accumulated more mess over the weeks, tackling post-holiday home cleaning is crucial to get your space feeling fresh and organized again. While it may seem like a daunting task, breaking it down into smaller steps can make it more manageable. Here are five tips for getting your home back in order after the holiday season:

  1. Start with the decorations. The first step in post-holiday home cleaning is to take down any holiday decorations and put them away neatly in storage bins. Not only will this make your home feel less cluttered, but it will also give you a sense of accomplishment. As you take down the decorations, make a list of any items that may need repair or replacement. This will help you stay organized and save time and money in the future.
  2. Tackle the kitchen. The kitchen is likely the busiest room in the house during the holidays, and it can also be the most cluttered. Start by throwing away any spoiled food and recycling any packaging. Wipe down counters, appliances, and tables, and don’t forget to clean the inside of the fridge and pantry. Consider decluttering your pantry by getting rid of expired or unused items. This will make it easier to find what you need and save space.
  3. Deep clean the living room. After the holidays, the living room is often in need of a thorough cleaning. Vacuum and dust the space, paying special attention to any areas that may have accumulated extra dirt or debris over the holidays. Consider steam cleaning the couch and chairs to get them looking and smelling fresh. If you have hardwood floors, consider giving them a good mopping or buffing.

  4. Wash all the linens. Strip the beds and wash all the bedding, towels, and any other linens that may have accumulated dirt or stains over the holidays. This is also a good time to rotate your mattress and launder your pillows. Consider investing in high-quality bedding and towels to make post-holiday home cleaning easier in the future.
  5. Don’t forget the outdoor spaces. The holiday season is often a time of excess, and that includes outdoor spaces like the porch and deck. Take a few minutes to sweep away any dirt or debris and tidy up any outdoor furniture. If you have a fireplace, now is a good time to clean out the chimney and get it ready for use.

By following these steps, you can effectively tackle post-holiday home cleaning and get your space feeling fresh and organized again. While it may seem like a lot of work, the sense of accomplishment you’ll feel when you’re finished is worth it. And if you don’t have the time or energy to tackle this task on your own, consider hiring a professional home cleaning service to help. With a little elbow grease and a thorough approach, you’ll be able to enjoy your home and start the new year off right.

Best Bathtub Cleaning Tips | Hacks For Cleaning your Bathtub

Cleaning your bathtub shouldn’t be a stressful process; learn more about why and how you should keep your bathtub clean with our 6 easy steps on cleaning your bathtub today!

The Best Way to Clean Your Bathtub In 6 Easy Steps

So, you’ve decided to clean your bathtub. Awesome! After all, nobody wants to take a relaxing bath in a tub full of soap scum, dirt, body oils, or worse. Cleaning your bathtub shouldn’t be complicated, but if you’re not sure where to begin, the experts at Spekless are here with our top tips and hacks on the best ways to clean your tub today!

Our Top 6 Tips for Cleaning Your Bathtub 

1. Get your products and materials. Unsure which products to use? There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for bathtubs, so you should go with a manufacturer recommended product or cleaning products designed for your tub. However, virtually limitless options can make it harder to choose, so here are some of our favorite bathtub cleaning products. 

One versatile brand that we love here at Spekless is Bar Keepers Friends. Our favorite is the Soft Cleanser, which is perfect for bathtubs and will quickly get rid of scum, rust, and build-ups without leaving any streaks. Paired with a microfiber cloth, cleaning your bathtub will never have been easier! If you prefer a powdered form, grab their original Cleanser (developed back in 1882!). To use it, wet your bathtub, then sprinkle on a little bit of the Cleanser and wait. Rub it with a sponge, then rinse it off and dry. 

Another product perfect for cleaning your bathtub would be the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser (ideally the Extra Durable formation). One of the benefits of Mr. Clean is that you don’t need anything besides the Magic Eraser and water to get your tub clean: simply wet the sponge, squeeze out any extra water, and start scrubbing—the Magic Eraser will do the rest. However, depending on how dirty your tub is, you may not be up to scrubbing the entirety of it for several minutes.

Finally, if you’re looking for a budget cleaning product or simply prefer a more natural cleaning alternative, all you need to do is grab a spray bottle and fill it with an equal solution of 1-part vinegar to 1-part dish soap (we prefer Dawn!). If you’re not a huge fan of the smell of vinegar, you can mask the smell with a few drops of your favorite essential oil (such as lavender).

Make sure you scrubbers that have metal parts, as many bathtubs could be sensitive to them, leaving permanent scratches. When possible, use a sponge or cleaning cloth, as well as a soft cleaning brush. If possible, invest in a grout brush to get rid of more stubborn stains, and pick up a bottle tile cleaner as well. 

Finally, wear gloves to avoid exposing your hands to harsher chemicals, and make sure to open your window or get some ventilation if possible so you don’t breathe in all the cleaning chemicals! 

2. Empty your bathtub and clean the surround. First things first, take everything out of your bath tub—and that means everything from kids’ toys to loofahs! Wipe down anything that might have soap scum built up, and then place them elsewhere while you clean.

To get started, you should deep clean the walls and tiles around your bathtub. With either a general cleaner or special cleaner and a cloth, buff your walls to eliminate any soap scum, dirt, or other debris on your wall. For tiles, just use a tile cleaner and sponge (or cloth!). During your deep clean, use a grout brush and bleach—as long as you have plenty of ventilation. Once you’re done, give your walls and tiles a good rinse using clean water to get rid of any residue, and the first step is done!

3. Make sure your drain works properly. Before you get down and dirty with cleaning your bathtub, you should be sure that your drain isn’t clogged. All you need to do is pour around a half cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by half a cup of white vinegar. After waiting for about 5 minutes for the bubbling to reduce, flush it out with about 30 seconds of hot water. For best results, repeat monthly.

4. Clean the interior. Next, apply or spray your preferred cleaner onto your tub and let it sit for at least 10 minutes. You can use any of the products we mentioned earlier, or whichever cleaner you prefer the most. After you’re done waiting, wipe down your tub with a cloth and rinse thoroughly. 

5. Get rid of soap scum and stains. It’s not uncommon to have several stains remain after you’re done with a superficial clean. For soap scum, you can use a gentle cleaning brush, or just grab an old toothbrush you aren’t using to scrub them away.

If you have tougher stains that you need to get rid of, you can use a scrub brush and a special cleanser and scrub away for a while longer. Alternatively, mix equal parts vinegar and warm water, spray it on the stains, and then sprinkle on some baking soda. After it stops bubbling, scrub with a sponge, wait a few more minutes, then wipe it off and rinse thoroughly. If necessary, repeat again.

6. Rinse and wipe down. After everything has been fully rinsed, dry off your bathtub and buff it with a clean towel, making sure to not leave any excess water behind. Leave your window and/or ventilation open for at least a half hour to clear out any unwanted odors of cleaning fluids, and if you feel like it, add an air freshener or incense stick to make your bathroom smell more natural. Voila! 

Extra Hacks For Cleaning Your Bathtub (And Keeping It Clean!)

  • Do you have a tougher stain that you’re having trouble getting rid of? Usually, there’s no need to buy expensive, specialized products! Our go-to DIY recipe is to make a paste of 1-part hydrogen peroxide to 2 parts baking soda. Then, apply the paste to your stain for at least 30 minutes—so you’ll want to do this at the end of the cleaning process. Wipe the stain and rinse gently. If it’s still not fully gone, repeat once more.  
  • Not sure how often you should clean your bathtub? This depends entirely on how often you use it. If you have a shower/tub combo that you shower in daily, we’d recommend a routine clean weekly, with a deep clean monthly. If your tub is separate and you only use it for special occasions, just wipe it down after each use (see our last hack in this section!) and give it a routine clean on a monthly basis. However, if you notice water stains, rust, mold, or mildew forming, bring out the cleaning ingredients ASAP.
  • Don’t mix cleaning products! Bleach and ammonia, when combined, will create highly dangerous and toxic chlorine gas. Even small amounts can cause skin, eye, and respiratory irritation, while larger amounts are fatal. (In fact, chlorine gas was used during both World Wars.) Generally, avoid having too many cleaning products in your rotation: one or two products is usually all that you’ll need, and make sure to keep the place well ventilated!
  • Want to avoid having to clean your bathtub so often? Easy! Make sure you thoroughly rinse the surface of you tub after a bath so that no soap stays behind, and get rid of extra moisture to prevent unnecessary buildup of substances like soap scum or mildew. To do so, simply wipe down your tub to make sure it’s fully dry. Use a clean, dry cloth (preferably microfiber), and don’t reuse it again. If possible, open your window to get rid of extra humidity. 

And that’s it! With our tips and hacks on how to best clean your bathtub, we’re pretty confident that keeping your bathtub clean has never been this easier, no matter how often you use it!

Why Should You Clean Your Bathtub, Anyways? 

If we’re honest, nobody’s super excited about having to clean their bathtub. Here’s the deal: failing to regularly deep clean your bathtub can lead to lots of health hazards, including: 

  • Mildew and mold: Not only do these spores and fungi look gross, they can pose health risks! Mold thrives on warm, damp places high in humidity (in other words, your bathroom), and while a little bit of it isn’t dangerous, this can quickly lead to rotting fabric or permanent stains on your tub and other bathroom fixtures! Additionally, many people are either sensitive or allergic to mold, which could lead to symptoms such as skin rashes, coughing, hives, and even respiratory issues such as asthma attacks for those more seriously affected. 
  • Infections: If there’s one place in your room that’s home to countless bacteria, it’s your bathroom. From using the toilet to brushing your teeth to taking a shower, you easily contribute to the spread of bacteria inside it. In fact, if you have a shower curtain for your bathtub, your shower curtain and shower floor could have as much as 60 times the amount of bacteria your toilet seat has! And with thousands of bacteria thriving in your dirty bathtub, you could easily transfer the bacteria to open cuts, sores, or wounds, which could cause a staph infection.
  • Soap scums: Sure, soap is great while you’re taking a shower or drawing up a bath, but what about after? Not properly rinsing out your tub could lead to film developing in your tub, or even on your shower curtain or walls. Over time, the build-up, together with mold and mildew, lead to nasty stains and smells. 

Finally, if you aren’t cleaning your bathtub, you’re probably not cleaning the other parts of your bathroom. From the sink to your cabinets to your toilet, your bathroom should be cleaned regularly. So once you start with our easy tips on cleaning your tub, why not keep the rest of your bathroom sparkly clean? 

Spekless House Cleaning for Your Bathtub

Now that you can get into the habit of cleaning your bathtub, it’s easy to just move on to other parts of your bathroom and keep them spick-and-span. However, at Spekless, we completely understand that not everyone has the time, energy, or willingness to dedicate so much time to cleaning. Maybe you’re not sure which cleaning products are best to deep clean your bathtub. Perhaps you’d rather dedicate one day to cleaning your studio apartment or home but just don’t have time. Or maybe you simply suffer from aches or pains, making it harder to clean up after yourself. Whatever it is, we completely understand where you’re coming from. 

That’s why Spekless offers custom-tailored, 100% flexible deep cleaning services so you can have a fully clean house without having to do the work yourself! Whether you need your bathtub and bathroom cleaned weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or bi-monthly, our professional deep cleaners will work around the schedule to give you the clean bathtub you deserve.

To learn more about our professional cleaning services, get in touch today! 

How to Deep Clean Your Laundry Room

Our step-by-step guide to help you deep clean your laundry room efficiently 

Today we’re back with another cleaning checklist and today’s room is none other than the laundry room. We’ll walk you through each and every part of your laundry room and show you how to give it a nice deep clean.

How to Deep Clean Your Laundry Room

The dust

The very first thing you want to do before entering into any deep clean is to take your swifter and dust the room from top to bottom. Start in the corners and work your way around the room to ensure that you get rid of any lingering cobwebs and dust.

Look for dust behind the washer and dryer, under the washer and dryer, near the window or windows, covering the baseboards, and on top of a ceiling fan if you have one.. Laundry rooms can get pretty dusty even when tended to on a regular basis.

The washer

When you go to clean your laundry room it can seem like there isn’t that much to do because of your washer and dryer. But those need to be cleaned too. You can start by taking a cup of vinegar and a cup of baking soda and run it through your washing machine. 

This will help sanitize the machine and eliminate any odor that’s build up over time. After you’ve done that you’ll want to wipe down the outside of your washer. You can do this with some mild soap, lukewarm water, and a cleaning cloth.

The dryer 

Similar to the washer you’ll also want to wipe down the outside of your dryer. You can do this using the same soap and water you used to wipe down the washing machine. Instead of running the drying using vinegar and baking soda you can wipe it out with your damp soapy rag. 

After you’ve wiped your dryer inside and out be sure to check and see if the lint trap needs to be emptied. If you happen to see a buildup of wax on the trap simply take it out and wash it in the sink. Sometimes fabric softener can cause a buildup of wax on the trap preventing it from doing its job to the fullest. 

Pro Tip: Make sure you get behind both the washer and the dryer. Take your swifter back there and get the dust and then stick the vacuum back there to suck up any loose debris. 

The countertops

Now it’s time to deep clean all the surfaces in your laundry room. If you do happen to have countertops in your laundry room go ahead and spray them down using a multi-surface cleaner and let it sit for 2 to 4 minutes.

Once the solution has had some time to do its magic you can go ahead and wipe them off checking at eye level to see if there’s anything you missed. During this step, you can also go ahead and spray anything else your hands may touch including doorknobs and drawer handles.

The sink

Some laundry rooms have a sink in them. If your laundry room has a sink it in, it’s time to clean that next. Spray the sink out with vinegar (or alternatively bleach) and let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing it out. 

If there’s an outside to your sink and it’s not sitting in a cabinet, be sure to wipe that part too. When you’re finished wiping the sink inside and out take a dry microfiber cloth and shine the faucet and handles. 

The cabinets

Another thing you really want to make sure you give a deep cleaning to in your laundry room is your cabinets. Cabinets are often the most neglected thing in a room yet sometimes they can be the dirtiest. Aside from opening them up and touching the handles, cabinets tend to get dirty with dust, things splashing on them, and outside debris blowing in from an open window. 

The cleaning solution you’ll use for your cabinets depends largely on the type of cabinets you have in your home. Most cabinets can be cleaned using mild dish soap and warm water. But if you have wood cabinets you can use a wood cleaner such as Murphy’s Oil or Old English. And if you have stainless steel cabinets, a stainless steel cleaner should do the job.

The windows

Next on our laundry room cleaning checklist is the windows, if there are any. Some laundry rooms are bigger than others. Some have windows and some don’t. If your laundry room happens to have windows you’ll want to spray the inside and the outside of them making sure to clean the sills and the lips of them in the process.

If you’re starting to get really into cleaning the windows you can even take the screens out and clean them out in the sink. Or spray them outside with the hose if it’s a nice day out. 

Pro Tip
: Coffee filters and vinegar works wonders on windows!

The vents

Deep cleaning your vents is very important. Especially in the laundry room. First, you’ll want to take your swifter to them and get as much dirt and dust off as possible. Then you can take your vacuum (and the brush attachment) and run it over the vents to get the rest.

If your vents are reachable by hand you may even want to consider taking your cleaning cloth to them along with some dish soap and warm water. 

The baseboards

As we reach the end of our laundry room cleaning checklist, we have everyone’s least favorite thing to clean – the baseboards. When done right, the baseboards can be an easy task to accomplish. Once you give them a good deep clean the less you’ll have to clean them in the long run.

Take your swifter all the way around them to get all of the dust off. Then grab a small bowl and fill it with warm water and dish soap. Using your microfiber cleaning cloth, take the rag and wipe down all the baseboards in your laundry room. 

The floors

If you made it this far then congratulations! We’ve made it to the last task on our checklist, the floors. Deep cleaning the floors is similar to cleaning the cabinets. The solution you’ll use for the floors depends on the type of floors you have in your laundry room.

Most floors can be cleaned using an all-purpose cleaner such as Pin-Sol. But if you prefer a different floor cleaner then, by all means, use what feels comfortable to you. For a deep clean, you may want to go over the floor twice. In any case, you’ll work your way from the inside of the room out toward the door.

Looking for more cleaning tips? Here are 12 habits that will help you maintain a clean home.

Tips from the pros

By giving the rooms in your home a nice deep clean, you’re giving yourself the opportunity to build new habits that can help you create and maintain a clean environment. Studies show that having a clean house put you in a better mood and elevates feelings of depression while reducing your daily stress level and increase your happiness.

Before we close here, there are a few extra tips & tricks we wanted to share to help you clean your laundry room better. When deep cleaning your laundry room it’s helpful to know that:

  • Everything has a place (put it back where you found it to prevent unnecessary clutter)
  • Baking soda eliminates household odors which makes it good for cleaning out your washer and dryer
  • Adding a few drops of lemon oil to your washer can also help eliminate odors
  • An over-the-door storage organizer is a great place to store laundry detergent (and help save space)
  • While you’re cleaning you should check and see if your ducts need cleaning
  • You can always hire a professional to help

Spekless House Cleaning

By making deep cleaning your laundry room a priority and not a chore, you’ll not only maintain a clean laundry room but you’ll also get more things accomplished in less time. By getting into the groove of cleaning you’ll begin to master the art of it so that you can spend more time doing what you love and less time scrubbing the toilet. It’s really a win-win situation.

Here at Spekless House Cleaning, we understand that not everyone has the ability or the time to keep up on their house cleaning. Or their deep cleaning. There are some houses that just need help with it, and that’s ok. That’s where we come in.

Our professional house cleaners are able to provide you with a routine house cleaning to help get all of your chores done without lifting a finger. We work with you to create a flexible cleaning schedule to work around the needs of your household. By providing optional bi-monthly, monthly, bi-weekly, and weekly cleaning schedules we give you exactly what you need to achieve a clean laundry room.

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