How to Deep Clean Your Tile and Grout: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Cleaning tile floors and grout lines can be a challenging task, particularly when dirt and grime build up over time. This guide will provide you with a step-by-step process to deep clean your tile and grout, leaving them looking like new.

Step 1: Gather Your Cleaning Supplies

Before you begin cleaning your tile and grout, gather all necessary supplies to ensure effective and efficient cleaning. The following items will be needed:

  • Broom or Vacuum: To sweep or suck up loose dirt, dust, or debris on the surface before cleaning.
  • Mop or Sponge: To apply the cleaning solution to the tile and grout.
  • Grout Cleaner: To clean the grout lines effectively. Choose a grout cleaner that is suitable for your tile and grout type.
  • Grout Cleaning Brush or Old Toothbrush: To scrub the grout lines and remove any dirt or stains.
  • Clean Bucket of Water: To rinse the tile and grout after cleaning.
  • Towel or Mop for Drying: To dry the tile and grout after cleaning.

By gathering these supplies before cleaning, you can complete the task without having to stop and search for additional supplies.

Step 2: Sweep or Vacuum the Floor

Start by sweeping or vacuuming the tile floor to remove any loose dirt, dust, or debris, preventing it from getting into the grout lines and making them harder to clean later on. If the floor is particularly dirty, use a dust mop or microfiber mop instead of a broom or vacuum.

If you’re using a broom, make sure it has soft bristles to prevent scratching the tile. If you’re using a vacuum, use the hard floor setting to avoid damaging the tiles. Empty the dustbin or change the bag if it becomes full.

Begin at one end of the room and work your way towards the other end, getting into the corners and along the edges of the room where dirt tends to accumulate.

Step 3: Wash the Floor

Washing the floor is an essential step in deep cleaning your tile and grout, as it helps to loosen the dirt and grime on the surface of the tiles and in the grout lines. Here’s how to do it:

  • Fill a bucket with warm water. The water should be warm enough to help break down the dirt and grime, but not so hot that it damages the tiles.
  • Dip your mop or sponge into the bucket of water and wring out any excess water. You don’t want the floor to be soaking wet, just damp.
  • Begin mopping the floor in small sections, starting from the farthest corner of the room and working your way towards the door. Overlap your strokes to avoid missing any areas.
  • Rinse your mop or sponge frequently in the bucket of water to avoid spreading dirt and grime around.
  • If your floor is particularly dirty, consider using a cleaning solution at this stage. Commercial tile and grout cleaners are available, or you can make your own cleaning solution using ingredients such as baking soda, vinegar, and hydrogen peroxide. However, be cautious when using DIY cleaning solutions, as they can be abrasive and may damage certain types of tiles.

Step 4: Apply the Grout Cleaner

After mopping the entire floor, allow it to sit for a few minutes to let the water soak into the grout lines and loosen any dirt or grime. Next, apply the grout cleaner onto the grout lines using a grout cleaning brush or an old toothbrush. If using a heavy-duty grout cleaner, allow it to sit for 10 to 15 minutes before scrubbing to allow it to penetrate the grout and break down any buildup or stains.

Read the label of your chosen grout cleaner carefully to ensure that you follow any specific instructions or safety precautions. Some grout cleaners may require dilution, while others may need to be applied directly to the grout lines. Make sure to wear gloves and protective eyewear, and ensure adequate ventilation in the room.

Using your chosen tool, scrub the grout lines thoroughly, applying extra pressure to any heavily stained areas. Work in small sections at a time to ensure that you cover the entire floor.

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Step 5: Rinse the Floor

Once you’ve finished scrubbing the grout lines, rinse the entire floor thoroughly with clean water. You can use a mop or a bucket of water to do this, making sure to change the water frequently to ensure that you’re not just spreading dirty water around.

After rinsing, inspect the grout lines to ensure that all of the cleansers has been removed. Any remaining residue can cause the grout to become discolored over time.

Step 6: Allow the Floor to Dry

Once you’ve finished rinsing, use a clean mop or towels to remove any excess water from the floor. Then, allow the floor to air-dry completely before walking on it or replacing furniture. This may take several hours, depending on the humidity and temperature in the room.

In conclusion, Cleaning grout can be a challenging task, and it requires effort, patience, and attention to detail. But it’s a necessary task to maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of your tiled floors, especially in areas like bathrooms and kitchens where dirt, grime, and mold can quickly accumulate.

By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure that your grout is thoroughly cleaned, and your tiles look as good as new. However, it’s important to note that some stains or buildup may require professional cleaning services.

A professional cleaning service like Spekless Cleaning can help you with all your grout cleaning needs. Our trained professionals use specialized equipment and cleaning solutions to remove tough stains, mold, and buildup, leaving your floors looking clean and refreshed. With our services, you can save time and effort and enjoy the benefits of a professionally cleaned floor.

Whether you choose to clean your grout yourself or opt for professional cleaning services, keeping your grout clean is essential for maintaining the appearance and hygiene of your tiled floors. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Spekless Cleaning for a professional and hassle-free grout cleaning experience.

The Complete Guide to Cleaning Your Bathtub: A Step-by-Step Approach for Every Tub Type

A clean bathtub is an essential part of any home. With proper cleaning and upkeep, you can maintain a hygienic and inviting environment in your bathroom. However, different types of tubs require different cleaning methods to prevent damage to the material. In this ultimate guide, we will provide a step-by-step approach to cleaning every type of bathtub, so you can keep your tub looking its best.

Porcelain enameled steel bathtubs are a popular choice among homeowners because they offer both durability and ease of maintenance. When it comes to cleaning, these tubs require minimal effort and can be kept sparkling clean with just a few simple steps.

To begin cleaning a porcelain enameled steel bathtub, gather the necessary supplies. You will need a soft sponge, a non-abrasive cleaner, and warm water. Avoid using harsh chemicals, abrasive sponges, or steel wool pads that can scratch or damage the surface of the tub.

  1. Wet the sponge with warm water and apply a small amount of the non-abrasive cleaner to the sponge.
  2. Begin wiping the tub in a circular motion, working your way from the top of the tub down to the bottom. This will help ensure that you don’t miss any spots or leave streaks behind.
  3. Pay special attention to any areas with visible stains or buildup. For tough stains, you can use a paste made of baking soda and water to gently scrub the area with the soft sponge. However, avoid using harsher chemicals or tools that can damage the enamel.
  4. Once you’ve cleaned the entire tub, rinse it thoroughly with water, making sure to remove all traces of the cleaning solution. Any leftover residue can leave behind a dull film, which can be unappealing and difficult to remove.
  5. Finally, use a clean towel to dry the surface of the tub. This will help prevent any water spots from forming and leave the porcelain enameled steel looking shiny and new.
white ceramic toilet bowl beside pedestal sink

Acrylic bathtubs are a popular choice among homeowners due to their lightweight, sleek design, and availability in various colors and styles. However, acrylic tubs require proper cleaning and maintenance to prevent scratches and damage to their surface. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you clean your acrylic bathtub effectively.

  1. Gather the necessary materials for cleaning your acrylic bathtub. You will need a soft sponge, a non-abrasive cleaner, and warm water. Avoid using abrasive sponges, steel wool pads, or any cleaning products that contain ammonia or bleach, as they can cause damage to the surface of your acrylic tub.
  2. Fill your tub with warm water and add a few drops of dish soap or a gentle, non-abrasive cleaner to the water.
  3. Using a soft sponge or cloth, clean the entire surface of the tub in a circular motion. Be sure to clean the corners and the edges of the tub thoroughly.
  4. Once you have finished cleaning the tub, rinse it thoroughly with warm water to remove any soap residue or cleaning solution.
  5. Use a soft cloth or towel to dry the tub. Avoid using a rough or abrasive cloth, as it can scratch the surface of the acrylic tub. Once the tub is dry, you can add a protective coat of wax to the surface to help prevent future scratches or damage.

In addition to regular cleaning, it’s essential to maintain your acrylic bathtub by avoiding harsh chemicals or cleaning products. Also, it’s important to be careful with the type of objects you put in the tub to prevent scratches or damage to the surface. Avoid placing metal objects or heavy items on the surface of your acrylic bathtub, as they can cause scratches and damage.

white ceramic bathtub near white ceramic bathtub

Fiberglass bathtubs are popular for their affordability and ease of installation. However, they are also known to be more prone to scratches and stains than other types of tubs if not cleaned and maintained properly. Fortunately, keeping your fiberglass bathtub clean is not difficult with the right approach.

To start, gather the necessary cleaning materials. You will need a soft sponge, a non-abrasive cleaner, and warm water. It’s important to avoid using abrasive sponges, steel wool pads, or any cleaning product that contains bleach, as these can cause damage to the surface of the tub.

When it comes to cleaning your fiberglass bathtub, a gentle touch is key. Start by wetting the surface of the tub with warm water. Then, apply the non-abrasive cleaner to the sponge and use a circular motion to gently scrub the surface of the tub. Pay special attention to areas with visible stains or build-up.

Once you have finished scrubbing the tub, rinse thoroughly with water to remove any remaining cleaning solution. Be sure to rinse well, as any leftover cleaning product can leave a residue or cause the tub to become slippery. Finally, use a clean towel to dry the tub and remove any remaining water spots.

It’s also important to note that preventative maintenance is crucial to keeping your fiberglass bathtub looking its best. Avoid using any harsh chemicals or abrasive tools, as these can scratch the surface of the tub. You can also consider applying a protective wax or polish to the surface of the tub to help repel water and prevent stains.

In addition to regular cleaning and maintenance, you can also take steps to prevent damage to your fiberglass bathtub. For example, avoid using bath mats with suction cups, as they can scratch the surface of the tub. Instead, opt for a non-slip mat or install non-slip strips on the bottom of the tub.

white bathtub with white bathtub

Enameled cast iron bathtubs are known for their durability and longevity. They are made of a heavy-duty material that can last for decades with proper maintenance. However, they can be easily scratched or damaged if cleaned with harsh chemicals or abrasive materials.

To clean an enameled cast iron bathtub, start by filling the tub with hot water and adding a small amount of dish soap. Let it sit for a few minutes to loosen any dirt or grime. Then, use a soft sponge or cloth to wipe the entire surface of the tub in a circular motion, taking care to remove any stubborn stains or build-up. Avoid using abrasive sponges or steel wool pads that can scratch the surface of the tub.

After cleaning, rinse the tub thoroughly with warm water to remove any remaining soap residue. You can also use a soft-bristled brush to reach difficult areas or to clean around the drain and overflow. Finally, dry the tub with a clean towel to prevent water spots or streaks.

For stubborn stains or discoloration, you can use a mixture of baking soda and water to make a paste. Apply the paste to the stained area and let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing it gently with a soft sponge or brush. Rinse thoroughly with water and dry with a clean towel.

It’s also essential to avoid using harsh chemicals, bleach, or abrasive cleaners that can damage the enamel surface of the tub. Always use a non-abrasive cleaner, and test it on a small, inconspicuous area before applying it to the entire tub. With proper care and maintenance, your enameled cast iron bathtub can last for years to come.

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Bathtubs Made of Cast Polymers (Like Cultured Marble, Granite or Onyx) If your bathtub is made of cast polymers like cultured marble, granite, or onyx, you will want to be extra careful during the cleaning process. These materials are often softer than other bathtub materials and can scratch easily. To clean cast polymer bathtubs, follow these steps:

  1. Clean with Mild Soap and Warm Water – Begin by cleaning the surface of your cast polymer bathtub with a mild soap and warm water. Be sure to use a non-abrasive cleaning pad or soft cloth to avoid any damage to the surface. Avoid using any cleaning products that are acidic or contain bleach, as these can cause discoloration and other damage to the surface.
  2. Rinse with Clean Water – After cleaning the surface, rinse it thoroughly with clean water to remove any soap residue. Be sure to dry the surface with a clean, soft cloth to avoid any water spots.
  3. Use a Non-Abrasive Cleaner for Stubborn Stains – For stubborn stains or discoloration, use a non-abrasive cleaner specifically designed for use on cast polymer surfaces. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and avoid using any abrasive cleaning tools, as these can cause damage to the surface.

Things To Avoid When Cleaning Your Bathtub
While it’s important to clean your bathtub regularly, there are some things you should avoid doing during the cleaning process to prevent damage to the surface. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Avoid Abrasive Cleaners and Tools – Using abrasive cleaners or tools can cause damage to the surface of your bathtub. This is especially important to keep in mind if you have a bathtub made of a softer material like cast polymer or acrylic. Stick to non-abrasive cleaners and soft cloths to avoid any scratches or other damage.
  2. Avoid Using Harsh Chemicals – Harsh chemicals like bleach or ammonia can cause damage to the surface of your bathtub, as well as create fumes that can be harmful to your health. Stick to mild soaps and cleaners, and avoid using any products that contain strong chemicals.
  3. Don’t Use Sponges or Scrub Brushes – Sponges and scrub brushes can also cause damage to the surface of your bathtub, especially if you use them with abrasive cleaners. Stick to non-abrasive cleaning pads and soft cloths to avoid any damage.
  4. Don’t Let Stains Sit Too Long – If you notice a stain or discoloration on your bathtub, don’t let it sit too long before addressing it. The longer a stain sits, the harder it can be to remove. Try to clean any stains or discoloration as soon as you notice them to prevent them from becoming more stubborn.

Conclusion Cleaning your bathtub may not be the most glamorous task, but it’s an important part of keeping your bathroom clean and hygienic. By following the tips in this guide, you can ensure that your bathtub stays looking its best for years to come. Whether you have a porcelain enameled steel bathtub, an acrylic bathtub, a fiberglass bathtub, an enameled cast iron bathtub, or a bathtub made of cast polymers like cultured marble, granite, or onyx, there are specific steps you can take to keep it clean and looking great. Remember to avoid abrasive cleaners and tools, harsh chemicals, sponges and scrub brushes, and to address any stains or discoloration as soon as you notice them. With a little bit of regular maintenance and care, your bathtub can continue to be a relaxing and enjoyable part of your home.

Using Chemical and Natural Products: A Comprehensive Guide to Cleaning Hardwood Floors at Home

Any home would benefit from having hardwood floors since they bring coziness, style, and character to any space. They can be difficult to keep clean though, particularly if you’re not aware of the most effective cleaning techniques. To keep your hardwood floors in excellent shape for years to come, it’s critical to know how to properly care for them, whether you’re dealing with filth, stains, or scratches.

Avoiding using excessive amounts of water is among the most crucial considerations while washing hardwood floors. Due to the porous nature of hardwood flooring, it is possible for the wood to rot, distort, or even break under extreme wetness. Choose a damp cloth or mop instead, and wring it out completely before using it to clean.

It’s critical to deal with stains as soon as they appear in order to stop them from setting in. You can clean the area with a solution of water and white vinegar for minor stains. Use a paste made of baking soda and water for tougher stains. Before removing the stain with a damp cloth, rub the paste onto it and let it sit for a while.

Another effective cleaning hack for hardwood floors is to use a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil to bring out the natural shine of the wood. Simply mix equal parts lemon juice and olive oil and apply it to the floor with a clean cloth. Wipe it off with another clean cloth and enjoy the beautiful shine that results.

Try scrubbing your hardwood floors with a solution of lemon juice and baking soda to revive them if they appear dull or scuffed. Make a mixture out of equal parts lemon juice and baking soda, then scrub the floors using a brush with a soft bristle. Make sure to thoroughly rinse the floors afterward to get rid of any leftover residue.

Utilizing a cornstarch and water solution to erase scuff marks from hardwood floors is another efficient cleaning tip. Apply a paste made of equal parts cornstarch and water on the scuff mark and let it sit there for a while. The scuff mark ought to disappear after you wipe it away with a moist cloth.

For more heavy-duty cleaning jobs, you can also use a professional hardwood floor cleaners.

Some popular natural cleaning products include:

  1. Method Squirt and Mop Hardwood Floor Cleaner
  2. Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner
  3. Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds

For chemical cleaning products:

  1. Bruce Hardwood and Laminate Floor Cleaner
  2. Zep Hardwood and Laminate Floor Cleaner
  3. Weiman Hardwood Floor Cleaner

Chemical cleaners can cause damage to hardwood floors over time, which is why it’s important to consider natural cleaning alternatives to preserve the integrity of your floors. To ensure the longevity of your hardwood floors, protect them from scratches and scuffs by placing doormats at all exterior doorways, using furniture protectors on chair and table legs, and placing rugs in high traffic areas.

Different types of hardwood floors may have specific care instructions, so it’s recommended to consult with the manufacturer or a professional if you’re unsure about how to best care for your floors. Before using any cleaning solutions, it’s always a good idea to test it in an inconspicuous area to ensure it won’t cause any damage.

In conclusion, to keep your hardwood floors looking beautiful and well-maintained for years to come, follow proper cleaning methods and use the right products. Consult with professionals and test cleaning solutions before use to ensure they won’t cause damage. Proper care and maintenance will keep your hardwood floors in pristine condition.

How to Deep Clean Your Laundry Room

Our step-by-step guide to help you deep clean your laundry room efficiently 

Today we’re back with another cleaning checklist and today’s room is none other than the laundry room. We’ll walk you through each and every part of your laundry room and show you how to give it a nice deep clean.

How to Deep Clean Your Laundry Room

The dust

The very first thing you want to do before entering into any deep clean is to take your swifter and dust the room from top to bottom. Start in the corners and work your way around the room to ensure that you get rid of any lingering cobwebs and dust.

Look for dust behind the washer and dryer, under the washer and dryer, near the window or windows, covering the baseboards, and on top of a ceiling fan if you have one.. Laundry rooms can get pretty dusty even when tended to on a regular basis.

The washer

When you go to clean your laundry room it can seem like there isn’t that much to do because of your washer and dryer. But those need to be cleaned too. You can start by taking a cup of vinegar and a cup of baking soda and run it through your washing machine. 

This will help sanitize the machine and eliminate any odor that’s build up over time. After you’ve done that you’ll want to wipe down the outside of your washer. You can do this with some mild soap, lukewarm water, and a cleaning cloth.

The dryer 

Similar to the washer you’ll also want to wipe down the outside of your dryer. You can do this using the same soap and water you used to wipe down the washing machine. Instead of running the drying using vinegar and baking soda you can wipe it out with your damp soapy rag. 

After you’ve wiped your dryer inside and out be sure to check and see if the lint trap needs to be emptied. If you happen to see a buildup of wax on the trap simply take it out and wash it in the sink. Sometimes fabric softener can cause a buildup of wax on the trap preventing it from doing its job to the fullest. 

Pro Tip: Make sure you get behind both the washer and the dryer. Take your swifter back there and get the dust and then stick the vacuum back there to suck up any loose debris. 

The countertops

Now it’s time to deep clean all the surfaces in your laundry room. If you do happen to have countertops in your laundry room go ahead and spray them down using a multi-surface cleaner and let it sit for 2 to 4 minutes.

Once the solution has had some time to do its magic you can go ahead and wipe them off checking at eye level to see if there’s anything you missed. During this step, you can also go ahead and spray anything else your hands may touch including doorknobs and drawer handles.

The sink

Some laundry rooms have a sink in them. If your laundry room has a sink it in, it’s time to clean that next. Spray the sink out with vinegar (or alternatively bleach) and let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing it out. 

If there’s an outside to your sink and it’s not sitting in a cabinet, be sure to wipe that part too. When you’re finished wiping the sink inside and out take a dry microfiber cloth and shine the faucet and handles. 

The cabinets

Another thing you really want to make sure you give a deep cleaning to in your laundry room is your cabinets. Cabinets are often the most neglected thing in a room yet sometimes they can be the dirtiest. Aside from opening them up and touching the handles, cabinets tend to get dirty with dust, things splashing on them, and outside debris blowing in from an open window. 

The cleaning solution you’ll use for your cabinets depends largely on the type of cabinets you have in your home. Most cabinets can be cleaned using mild dish soap and warm water. But if you have wood cabinets you can use a wood cleaner such as Murphy’s Oil or Old English. And if you have stainless steel cabinets, a stainless steel cleaner should do the job.

The windows

Next on our laundry room cleaning checklist is the windows, if there are any. Some laundry rooms are bigger than others. Some have windows and some don’t. If your laundry room happens to have windows you’ll want to spray the inside and the outside of them making sure to clean the sills and the lips of them in the process.

If you’re starting to get really into cleaning the windows you can even take the screens out and clean them out in the sink. Or spray them outside with the hose if it’s a nice day out. 

Pro Tip
: Coffee filters and vinegar works wonders on windows!

The vents

Deep cleaning your vents is very important. Especially in the laundry room. First, you’ll want to take your swifter to them and get as much dirt and dust off as possible. Then you can take your vacuum (and the brush attachment) and run it over the vents to get the rest.

If your vents are reachable by hand you may even want to consider taking your cleaning cloth to them along with some dish soap and warm water. 

The baseboards

As we reach the end of our laundry room cleaning checklist, we have everyone’s least favorite thing to clean – the baseboards. When done right, the baseboards can be an easy task to accomplish. Once you give them a good deep clean the less you’ll have to clean them in the long run.

Take your swifter all the way around them to get all of the dust off. Then grab a small bowl and fill it with warm water and dish soap. Using your microfiber cleaning cloth, take the rag and wipe down all the baseboards in your laundry room. 

The floors

If you made it this far then congratulations! We’ve made it to the last task on our checklist, the floors. Deep cleaning the floors is similar to cleaning the cabinets. The solution you’ll use for the floors depends on the type of floors you have in your laundry room.

Most floors can be cleaned using an all-purpose cleaner such as Pin-Sol. But if you prefer a different floor cleaner then, by all means, use what feels comfortable to you. For a deep clean, you may want to go over the floor twice. In any case, you’ll work your way from the inside of the room out toward the door.

Looking for more cleaning tips? Here are 12 habits that will help you maintain a clean home.

Tips from the pros

By giving the rooms in your home a nice deep clean, you’re giving yourself the opportunity to build new habits that can help you create and maintain a clean environment. Studies show that having a clean house put you in a better mood and elevates feelings of depression while reducing your daily stress level and increase your happiness.

Before we close here, there are a few extra tips & tricks we wanted to share to help you clean your laundry room better. When deep cleaning your laundry room it’s helpful to know that:

  • Everything has a place (put it back where you found it to prevent unnecessary clutter)
  • Baking soda eliminates household odors which makes it good for cleaning out your washer and dryer
  • Adding a few drops of lemon oil to your washer can also help eliminate odors
  • An over-the-door storage organizer is a great place to store laundry detergent (and help save space)
  • While you’re cleaning you should check and see if your ducts need cleaning
  • You can always hire a professional to help

Spekless House Cleaning

By making deep cleaning your laundry room a priority and not a chore, you’ll not only maintain a clean laundry room but you’ll also get more things accomplished in less time. By getting into the groove of cleaning you’ll begin to master the art of it so that you can spend more time doing what you love and less time scrubbing the toilet. It’s really a win-win situation.

Here at Spekless House Cleaning, we understand that not everyone has the ability or the time to keep up on their house cleaning. Or their deep cleaning. There are some houses that just need help with it, and that’s ok. That’s where we come in.

Our professional house cleaners are able to provide you with a routine house cleaning to help get all of your chores done without lifting a finger. We work with you to create a flexible cleaning schedule to work around the needs of your household. By providing optional bi-monthly, monthly, bi-weekly, and weekly cleaning schedules we give you exactly what you need to achieve a clean laundry room.

12 Habits That Help You Maintain a Clean Home

Have you ever wondered to yourself how some people always seem to maintain a clean home? They’re so busy, yet their home is so clean. And some of them even have children running around it. It almost seems impossible. How do they do it?

If you’re wondering that, you’re also probably wondering how you, yourself can maintain a clean home. Well, you’re in luck. Today we’re discussing 12 habits to help you do just that. Because that’s really what it’s all about. It’s less about maintaining a clean space and more about maintaining a good habitual routine. 

How to maintain a clean home

1. Always put away your laundry 

Making sure you put your laundry away when it’s finished is a really important component to maintaining a clean home. Often times people who lead busy lives tend to get in the habit of leaving their clothes in the basket or in piles on the floor. But when you actually take the time to put your clothes away you give yourself an opportunity to build better habits and keep your space clean and clear of clutter.

2. Only keep the things you need

One thing to do when you’re trying to build better cleaning habits is to go through everything you have and organize. Make sure you only keep the things you absolutely need and discard the things you don’t need. Marie Kondo creator of the KonMari Method explains a simple method of decluttering your life by removing the things that don’t bring you any joy and only keeping the things that do.

3. Minimize the paper clutter (go paperless)

A great way to maintain a clean home is by utilizing the paperless system. So often we see people with piles and piles of mail on the counters and checklists in their offices. The great thing about going paperless is that it works for almost everything these days and it’s environmentally-friendly. You can set most of your mail to be paperless and you can organize your files online in a cloud-based storage platform like Dropbox. 

4. Dust weekly 

Have you ever noticed someone’s home is so clean there isn’t any dust? That’s because they’ve mastered the art of weekly dusting. Getting into the habit of dusting your house weekly is the key to maintaining a clean home. Once you get into a routine, anything less just simply won’t do. Put on some feel-good music and swifter as you go. 

Plus dusting your home on a weekly basis doesn’t just keep your home clean, it also keeps the allergens away and increases proper airflow. If you or someone in your family suffers from allergies, dusting may be more beneficial than you think.

5. Wipe all surfaces after every use

One sure fire way to ensure you maintain a clean home is to wipe down all household surfaces after each use. This is a fantastic habit for any homeowner to adopt. Keep disinfectant wipes in each room so that when you’re finished with a task you can easily wipe and go. Of course, this may not be necessary for every single thing you, it’s important to get in the habit of doing it.

You can also keep a can of environmentally-friendly disinfecting spray in certain rooms (like the bathroom) so that you can easily just spray and go. This will help you stop the spread of germs and diminish the growth of unwanted bacteria throughout your home.

6. Make your bed every day

Another great way to help you maintain a clean home is to get up and make your bed every single day. Making your bed is a good habit to adopt not just for the cleaning aspect of it but also for the mental aspect of it. When you get up and make your bed in the morning, there’s a feeling of accomplishment that comes with it. A feeling of content and peace washes over you. It makes you feel like your life is together even when it’s not. 

7. Have a designated place for shoes & coats

A lot of times when we come home from a long day at work, we get in the door toss our shoes to the side and throw our coat on the first couch we see. But taking just two extra seconds to put your shoes in a designated spot and hanging your coat in the closet or on a coat rack goes a long way. A good thing to remember here is aces in their places. When you put things in their place it doesn’t leave room for clutter. 

8. Don’t leave dishes to pile up in the sink

When you walk into a well-maintained home one of the first things you may notice is that their sink probably isn’t filled with dishes. It can be hard to want to do the dishes after a long draining work-filled day. Especially if you don’t have a dishwasher in the house. But letting them pile up isn’t the answer. Instead of letting the dishes overflow, wash the dishes as you go. 

Remember how we talked about wiping down surfaces as you go? The same principle can be applied to the dishes. When you’re finished with a cup or a plate clean it. If you need to let something soak in hot water, fill it up immediately to let it soak so when you come back to it later you can rinse it and let it dry.

9. Create a chore list

A weekly chore list works regardless of whether you live alone or not. If you have a family or roommates, then that’s great. You can split the list up evenly among the other people. But if you don’t a chore list will help you hold yourself accountable for the things that need to get done around the house. And it serves as a great reminder. You can even have fun with your chore list and buy a printable off Etsy to help inspire you to to do your chores. 

10. Use the right products & chemicals

It’s really important when you’re trying to maintain a clean and healthy environment, that you use the right products and chemicals around your house. There are some cleaning products that can actually do more harm than good. Certain products cause allergens, dust buildup, and damage to surfaces throughout your home. So when you’re trying to keep a clean space, you really want to invest in products that are going to do the job well and keep you and your family safe at the same time.

11. Read cleaning blogs

Reading cleaning blogs are a fantastic way to maintain a clean home. Cleaning blogs (like the Spekless cleaning blog) are a great resource to inform and inspire you to get up and clean on a regular basis. You’ll learn easy tips and tricks to help you clean faster and more efficient and ways to organize your home so that it looks better. 

The best part about reading cleaning blogs is that each one is different. Each blog offers a different outlook and a different perspective on cleaning. By doing this, you’re able to see what works for you and what doesn’t so that you can come up with a routine on your own. Which leads us to tip number 12. 

12. Dedicate your time to a weekly routine

Last but not least on the list of tips to help you maintain a clean home we have dedicating your time to a weekly cleaning routine. Having a weekly cleaning routine is probably one of the easiest ways to keep up with the never-ending chore that is cleaning. And it’s the easiest thing you can do.

Sometimes when people hear the word weekly, the think that their routine has to be this big elaborate scheme in order to clean their house. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Your weekly cleaning routine is something that should be tailored to you and your household. So if that means taking out the trash and dusting in one room then that’s what you should do every week. 

But if your home requires a little more work there may be more do to. The good news about that is that when you do have a weekly routine, the cleaning isn’t as bad as it would be if you would have waited. So essentially once you get into a routine it won’t take you long to finish it. And if you do have a house full, you can pull out the cleaning chart and divide the chores among the family!

Tips & tricks to help you along the way

By adopting some of these habits you will be able to maintain a clean home. But not only will you be able to do that but you will also be able to reduce your daily stress level and increase your happiness. Studies show that having a clean house put you in a better mood and elevates feelings of depression.

Before we close here, there are a few extra tips & tricks we wanted to share in order to ensure your success. If you’re having trouble adapting to some of these new cleaning habits you should:

  • Hire a professional to give you an initial cleaning
  • See what your friends are doing (how do they make it work?)
  • Meditate to help you focus clearer and adopt better habits
  • Read books & blogs written by professionals who share their secret tips & tricks
  • Diffuse essential oils to help you keep clean air and reduce household dust

Spekless House Cleaning

When you make cleaning the house a priority and not a chore, you’ll not only maintain a clean home but you’ll also get more things accomplished in less time. By getting into the groove of cleaning you’ll begin to master the art of it so that you can spend more time doing what you love and less time scrubbing the toilet. It’s really a win-win situation.

But here at Spekless House Cleaning, we understand that not everyone has the ability or the time to keep up on their house cleaning. There are some houses that just need help with it, and that’s ok. That’s where we come in.

Our professional house cleaners are able to provide you with a routine house cleaning to help get all of your chores done without lifting a finger. We work with you to create a flexible cleaning schedule to work around the needs of your household. By providing optional bi-monthly, monthly, bi-weekly, and weekly cleaning schedules we give you exactly what you need to achieve a clean house.

Learn more about our cleaning professional and schedule your cleaning today.

15 Spring Cleaning Tips for a Sparkling Clean Home

There isn’t anything more satisfying than a little spring cleaning around the house. Whenever you’re ready to get things back to the way they were after a long cold winter, just grab out your cleaning basket and begin your spring cleaning ritual.

Pump up the jams because below we’ve listed 15 spring cleaning tips both big and small to help you get your home back to its natural state of being cleaned and organized. 

1. Clean out the drawers

First up on our list of spring cleaning tips is to get organized. In order to get organized, you’ll want to go around and empty out all of your drawers. Make sure that you get rid of anything old or unused before wiping out the drawers with a microfiber cloth and a mild soap.

Then go ahead and neatly fill the drawer with things you are currently using. Do this in the kitchen, the bathroom, the bedroom, the office, and any common areas of the house. 

2. Toss out all the old products

We mentioned this a little bit in tip number one but this also applies to other areas of the house. So the next step in the spring cleaning process is to go around and toss out things that are old or things you aren’t using. One of the main areas you’ll want to look at here is the kitchen working your way through the cabinets and the refrigerator throwing away old and expired food. 

3. Disinfect your devices

Nothing great spring cleaning tip is to make sure that you clean and disinfect all of your electronics and devices. Unless you’re a clean freak and you find yourself wiping these things down often throughout the week you’ll want to do this now. Just take a can of disinfecting dusting spray and a microfiber cloth and work your way through the house wiping down places like the television, the remotes, the computers and keyboards, and anything that you touch.

4. Restore your bookshelves 

If you have a bookshelf in your home or a shelf that could use a little bit of organization, bring your attention to it. Remove everything from the shelves and wipe it down with a duster then place the books back on it in a neat and organized fashion. 

5. Wipe down all the cabinets 

During the winter there are specific things in your house that tend to get neglected. Cleaning the cabinets is one of them. Be sure to go around and wipe down all the cabinets in the kitchen, bathroom, and laundry room using a cleaning cloth and a mild detergent. 

6. Empty out the diaper bags

One of the fun things about spring cleaning is that it’s out with the old and in with the new. This goes for your diaper bag and purse too. You can either empty out these bad boys before throwing them in the washer and cleaning them or you can resell them and start fresh with new ones for the new year. It’s up to you, but cleaning them out is a must. 

7. Vacuum all furniture 

Not only do you want to make sure that you vacuum all the floors in your house but you also want to make sure that you go through and vacuum all the furniture. Make sure you get in the crevices of your couch, in between your bed, and under any coffee tables. This is to ensure that you get all the lingering dust mites out.

8. Revive the dishwasher

A vital part of spring cleaning is cleaning your appliances. But one appliance that is often left standing in the dust is your dishwasher. Take a cup of cleaning vinegar place it inside and run your empty dishwasher to help get it back to its original clean state. 

9. And the washer

You also want to do this in your washing machine. And if you notice that your washer has an odor coming from it you can add a cup of baking soda to help absorb and kill any bacteria. 

10. Shampoo the carpet and wax the floors 

Once you’ve gone through and vacuumed or mopped all of your floors the next thing you want to do is go through and shampoo the carpets. Or wax the floors. When you go to do this you should make sure it’s the very last thing you do in that room and you should do it on a room by room basis. This is to ensure that you aren’t backtracking and that no dirt gets carried from one place to another. 

11. Clean and clear the drains

For this spring cleaning tip, you’ll want to go around to all the drains in the house and check that they are working properly. If they are you can clean them by pouring a cup of vinegar down the drain and letting it sit before flushing it out with hot water. If the drains aren’t working properly, try cleaning them first and if that doesn’t work then it’s time to call a plumber. 

12. Buff the appliances

After you’ve cleaned all of your appliances you’ll want to go around with a dry cleaning cloth and make sure they’re all nice and shiny. If you have stainless steel or copper appliances using a dab of olive oil on your cloth is a really good method for buffing them nice and shiny.

13. Wipe down the fridge inside and out

A vital part of any spring cleaning tips list is ensuring that you clean out your refrigerator from top to bottom. After you’ve emptied out the fridge and gotten rid of any old or expired food, you want to wipe it out. Wipe down all of the shelves, drawers, handles, and walls inside and out.

14. Don’t forget about your yard work

Spring cleaning isn’t just about cleaning the inside of your house. It’s also about making sure things look good on the outside. So don’t forget to go outside for work. Check to see if the grass needs cut or the gutters need to be cleared before you call it quits. 

15. Hire a professional if you need help

If you need any help with spring cleaning your home, hiring a professional can help. Here at Spekless, we can send a professional cleaner to your home to help you with your inside chores. Contact us today for a free estimate and see how we can assist you.

How to Save Money on Cleaning Supplies

It’s no secret that everyone loves to save money. But one of the questions people always ask is, “is it possible to save money on cleaning supplies? They’re so expensive!” And the answer to that question, in short, is yes. You can save money on cleaning supplies.

We’ve got some tips and tricks to help you do just that so today we’re lining out our hacks to help you save money on cleaning supplies and still end up with a clean house. 

Use things you already have around the house

There are plenty of things that you probably already have around the house that you can clean with. Many kitchen items can be used as cleaning products which can save you time, money, and energy. Things like vinegar, lemons, baking soda, olive oil, vodka, and coffee grounds make great cleaning aids. 

Another thing is that most areas in your home can easily be cleaned using plain dish soap and water. You can use dish soap in your home as a window cleaner, surface cleaner, fruit and vegetable wash, and even to dust surfaces. It’s a great alternative. And it helps save money too.

Swipe out your paper towel for microfiber cleaning cloths

If you use paper towel in your house, you may want to think about switching it out for some reusable cleaning cloths. According to, the average American spends almost $200 per year on paper towel if not more depending on the size of the household. You can buy a bulk pack of microfiber cloths on Amazon (or at your local grocery store) for less than $10.

Microfiber cleaning cloths are great for cleaning nearly anything in your home. They work good on any surface and can be color coordinated by rooms, chore, person, and more. And when you’re finished using them all you need to do is throw them in the laundry basket until it’s time to wash them.

Clip your coupons 

If you’re one of those people who doesn’t like to switch it up and you want to keep on using the same cleaning supplies you’ve been using, one way you can save money is by clipping coupons. Sign up for email newsletters for your favorite brand and wait for them to send you coupons directly to your inbox. 

Another thing you can do is look at sites like TheKrazyCouponLady, RetailMeNot, and for coupons to clip from all of your favorite products. Clipping coupons is a great way to save money on any household item especially cleaning products. 

Simplify your stash

These days there’s a cleaning product for everything. The truth of the matter is that you don’t need one cleaning product for your dusting and another one for your surfaces. So if you’re really looking to save money on cleaning supplies and you have a lot of products under the sink, simplify your stash.

There are three types of cleaning products you need in your home: window cleaner, surface cleaner, and bathroom cleaner. Anything else could just be taking up space and causing you to spend an unnecessary amount of money.

Hire a housekeeper

One of the best ways to save money on cleaning supplies in your home is to hire a housekeeper. Many companies provide you with a professional house cleaner and supplies to clean your house so that you don’t have to.

Here at Spekless, it is our goal is to provide you with impeccable customer service. That includes having our professionals bring cleaning supplies to each and every visit. Hiring a professional can save you tons on cleaning supplies and allow you to free up some time to do what you love.

Final thoughts

As you can see, there are a plethora of ways you can save money on cleaning supplies. From using products in your pantry to discounts and coupons on your favorite items, there’s a way for everyone to save. 

When you modifying your cleaning habits and ensure that you are using the right amount of product, the results are astonishing. It proves that you can save time, money, and energy and still clean your home the way you like it.

6 Benefits of Using Green Cleaning Products in Your Home

It doesn’t matter if you’re a professional housekeeper who cleans with chemicals on a regular basis or if you’re someone who uses them to clean your own taking the time to consider your options is important. Especially when it comes to using products that are good for you and for your family.

Most of the chemicals in the cleaning aisle are a harsh cocktail of toxic chemicals. Many of them being be bad for your health, your kids’ health, and the environment. As more and more people rethink what they’re bringing into their homes, we see them looking for safer alternatives

What is green cleaning?

Green cleaning in the process of cleaning your home using all natural products. These products are often made with organic ingredients that aren’t harmful to humans, animals, or the environment.

Everywhere you look more and more people are committing to this act and to using green cleaning products. The movement has drastically increased in popularity in recent years. In fact, some experts would suggest that around half of the US population now uses some form of green cleaning technique on a regular basis.

Benefits of green cleaning

Now that we have a basic understanding of what green cleaning is, let’s talk about some of the benefits that you can get from it.

Using green cleaning products in your home allows you to…

1. Eliminate toxins in your home

When you use green cleaning products in your home you eliminate the risks of exposure to toxic chemicals. Most cleaning products come with harsh toxic chemicals that are bad for your environment. These chemicals can actually cause damage to surfaces in your home as well as the skin of those who are working with them.

According to the American Medical Association, “frequent use of antibacterial ingredients can promote bacterial resistance to antibiotics,” and “Triclosan, a common antibacterial agent found in many soaps, has the ability to mess with your hormonal system and your thyroid. Most, if not all green cleaning products don’t contain antibacterial agents.”

2. Clean with your kids

Cleaning with your children can be hard depending on what type of chemicals you use to clean your home. Green cleaning products allow you to let your kids clean the house without worrying about harsh chemical burns, respiratory problems, and possible chemical poison. 

One of the reasons for this is that you can use common household ingredients as green cleaning products to clean your home. So essentially you can give your children a rag and a spray bottle filled with vinegar and let them do their weekly chores.

3. Increase the air quality in your home

If you have any allergies, respiratory problems, or just can’t stand the stench of strong chemicals lingering throughout your home, green cleaning products are the way to go. Products that are green allow you to increase the quality of air that flows throughout your house by eliminating toxins and allowing proper air flow.

4. Be more environmentally friendly

One of the main reasons people turn to green cleaning products in the first place is their keen ability to help preserve the environment. Many chemicals and cleaners contain harsh chemicals that are bad for the environment. 

Switching to greener methods of cleaning will help reduce pollution to our water and airways while minimizing the impact on the ozone layer depletion and climate change. Many of these products also come in recyclable packaging which helps to reduce waste when you throw them into the recycling bin.

5. Save money

If you are worried that you might have to spend more money we assure you that is not the case. When compared to other products green cleaning products often cost less. Or can be made from ingredients that you already have in your kitchen. 

Not only are green cleaning products cheaper when you use them in your home but investing in these products is also cheaper for companies. Author Sarah Snow of  Sarah Snow’s Fresh Living says, “The cost of environmentally friendly cleaning products has become much more competitive. While cleaning in an environmentally sound way reduces the risk of sick days for employees and the risk of fires and chemical spills.”

6. Live without worry

As the concerns for our overall health become more prevalent more people are becoming more aware of the harsh effects cleaning chemicals are having on their bodies.  They’re going back to basics and looking for greener ways to clean their home. The benefits of green cleaning speak for itself. 

That’s why when you switch to this method of cleaning using more natural ingredients, you’ll be able to live a life without the worry. You won’t have to worry that the products you’re bringing into your home are detrimental to your overall health and well being. 

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