Bedroom Cleaning 101
By Spekless

There are two types of people in this world. Those who make their beds in the morning and those who don’t. Those who don’t are usually those who don’t clean their bedrooms very often. If this is you, you might need a little help in the bedroom cleaning department. 

How often should I make my bed?

Realistically speaking you should be making your bed every single morning when you get out of it. I know it seems like a lot, but once you get in the habit of doing it, it’s not that bad. Making your bed every morning not only helps you keep a clean bedroom, it helps you achieve balance in your daily life.

How often should I wash my sheets and blankets?

If you’re sleeping on your sheets every night, you should be throwing them in the wash weekly. It doesn’t matter how much you shower, our bodies naturally secrete oil and when you’re sleeping that oil ends up on your sheets. So it’s ultimately best that you throw your sheets and blankets in the wash at the end of each week.

How often should I clean the mattress and pillows?

When it comes to bedroom cleaning, you want to make sure you’re cleaning your mattress and your pillows regularly too. Ideally, you should clean your pillows once a month. You can clean them easily by putting them in a mesh laundry bag and throwing them into the wash. Your mattress, on the other hand, can be cleaned once every two to three months by vacuuming it.

How often should I dust and vacuum?

You should be dusting your bedroom at least once every two weeks. And you should be vacuuming your bedroom weekly to help prevent further dust buildup. Make sure you’re dusting everything in your bedroom from the nightstand to any shelving and even the corners of the wall. 


Need help cleaning your bedroom? Contact us today for a free estimate and one of our specialists will follow up with a free service estimate. Our professional house cleaners are trained to clean household rooms such as the bedroom. And we would love to work with you.

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